Medical Records
Russell Regional Hospital's Health Information Management Department (Medical Records) maintains all patient medical records. The medical record is an extremely important document of the history and progress of every patient's medical care. The record is compiled of observations and findings recorded by the patient's physician and members of the hospital health care staff. The entries and reports originate at various points in the hospital. Physicians; dictated medical records are transcribed and added to the medical record.
Records are used for the continuity of patient care, to verify insurance claims for medical care rendered, as a legal/business document outlining the course of a patient's medical care, provides statistical and factual information for hospital administration and medical staff committees, for hospital accreditation, licensing, and other regulatory bodies and medical research. Documents common to most health records include medication records, health history, physical exam notes, progress notes, physicians' orders to other members of your health care team, X-ray and lab reports, and immunization records.
In 2003, federal laws known as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) took effect to protect the privacy of health information. The laws also ensure you're able to view, request changes to, and obtain copies collected and kept about your health information documents.
For more information on Medical Records at Russell Regional Hospital please contact us at (785) 483-3131